New Policy about Issuing an Invoice

Since July 1, 2017, the Announcement of the State Administration of Taxation on Matters Regarding the Issuance of Value-added Tax Invoices has already come into effect and it has prescribed new regulations on the invoices.


  1. Taxpayer identification number is a must

From July 1, 2017, when an enterprise purchaser asks for an ordinary VAT invoice, it shall provide the seller with its taxpayer identification number or unified social credit code. At the same time, the seller shall indicate the purchaser’s taxpayer identification number or unified social credit code in the column of “the purchaser’s taxpayer identification number” when issuing ordinary VAT invoices. Invoices that are not so issued may not be taken as tax evidence.


Therefore, the financial department of the company should send the taxpayer identification number to all the employees immediately.


  1. Specification of the Invoice shall be listed:

Besides the “taxpayer identification number”, the seller shall state the actual sales information, the Announcement requires that “When a seller issues VAT invoices, the content therefore shall state the actual sales information, and the seller may not fill in any content which is in conflict with the actual transaction as required by the purchaser.”


After July 1, an invoice whose content is “Office Supplies” cannot be issued or reimbursed any more. The seller shall list all the specification in the invoice. For example, if you buy a pencil in a shop, you shall list the type and name of the “pencil” in the invoice instead of office supplies. Therefore, in the future, you cannot state “Office Supplies” in the invoice when buying foods and the purchaser can no longer choose the content of the invoice.



Financial department of the company may prepare some small cards of invoicing information and send them to the employee in different forms and it shall also urge its employees to check the invoices on the spot.