Government-Subsidized Loans for SMEs In Italy: Updates on the New Sabatini Measure

The Italian Ministry of Economic Development, in line with its general policies to support businesses and in account of the impact of the pandemic, has ordered, with its Decree dated July 2nd 2021, the reopening of the counter for the submission of applications to obtain subsidies for investments in “Instrumental Assets”, under the so-called New Sabatini Measure, aimed at easing credit access for enterprises and increase the competitiveness of the Italian production system.

The measure is only available for micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (i.e. enterprises with less than 250 employees, a total annual turnover not exceeding EUR 50 million and/or an annual balance sheet not exceeding EUR 43 million), and is designed to support the purchase (or leasing) of machinery, equipment, plant, capital goods for productive use and hardware, as well as software and digital technologies (the so-called eligible investments).

In order to have access to the contributions, the companies concerned (A) must be properly constituted and registered in the Register of Enterprises or in the Register of Fishing Enterprises; (B) must be in the full and free exercise of their rights, not in voluntary liquidation or subject to bankruptcy proceedings; (D) they must not find themselves in conditions such as to be enterprises in difficulty; (E) they must be based in a Member State of the European Union (in any case, an operating office in Italy must be opened within the deadline for the completion of the investment).

SMEs meeting the abovementioned requirements will be able to obtain, with the support of a bank authorized to do so by the Ministry of Economic Development, subsidized financing to cover the investment, as well as a public contribution equal to the interests on the loan stipulated with the bank, up to at an annual rate of 2.75% for ordinary investments and 3.575% for investments in digital technologies and waste tracking and weighing systems (investments in so-called “Industry 4.0” technologies).

The funding may cover 100% of the total investment, must have a duration of no more than 5 years and may be granted for an amount between EUR 20,000 and EUR 4 million, which must be used in full to cover the eligible investments.

Applications may be submitted from August 1st, directly to authorized banks and financial intermediaries, certifying that the requirements have been met and that the investments comply with the law.