Meeting with the future

D’Andrea & Partners and the Universities in  Nanjing

December 14th has been an intensive academic day for D’Andrea & Partners: in the morning, the closing ceremony of the 1st course “Introduction to Italian Civil and Commercial Law” at the Nanjing University School of Law; in the afternoon, “Incontra i talenti – Meet the talents” at the School of Foreign Languages and Cultures Nanjing Normal University.

At the ceremony, lead by Professor Song Xiao, Vice Dean of NJU Law School, the students have been awarded with certificates and the three among them that collected the best scores during the final exam, received each a 3.000 RMB scholarship from D’Andrea & Partners Law Firm. For the D’Andrea & Partners‘ team that held the course the decision was very hard as all the students have been amazing in this course.

In an intense afternoon, then, the talented students of the Nanjing Normal University have met some Italian companies, introduced directly by their GM and HR managers, they asked them questions, to better understand the skills the most required and appreciated by Italian enterprises and have then directly met the managers in individual interviews. Positive and enthusiastic “the welcome speech of Prof. YAN Zhijun严志军, Deputy Dean of the School of Foreign Languages and Cultures Nanjing Normal University, who reiterated the desire to repeat the initiative next year.

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