China hardens requirements for L and M Visa extensions.

As known, the two categories L and M – Touring and Business Visit purposes, respectively – for Chinese Visas, are listed since from 2013 in the Visa Category List of the People’s Republic of China. While, originally, it was common to ask and easily obtain for extensions of such visas, 2016 has welcomed a policy of strictness: for L visas, to obtain extensions will be possible (and only for 10-30 days maximum) just after stating a detailed travel plan; for M visas, instead, the short extension (10-30 days)  will be conceded only where the applicant is in possess of the original official invitation letter (issued by Commercial or Foreign Affairs Bureau) and a second application (for the extension) of a local (better if of consistent economic importance) company. For long-term stays, then, the best (if not the only) choice is to apply for a working visa.